City of Tshwane load reduction – Here are the affected areas
The City of Tshwane continues says it will continue to implement load reduction from Monday, 17 May. Here are the affected areas.

The City of Tshwane says it will continue to implement load reduction in Soshanguve on Monday, 17 June.
The load reduction is implemented between 18:00 and 22:00 daily in areas that are supplied by the Soshanguve 132/11kv substation.
The metro municipality said inclement weather has resulted in a sharp increase in electricity demand and the available grid is unable to cope with the strain.
“The move to implement load reduction in Soshanguve was informed by the current status of the 132/11kv substation which is experiencing power overload as a result of illegal connections,” the City of Tshwane said.
Here are the affected areas:
Monday – Block V, T and W
Tuesday – Block KK, SS and X
Wednesday – Block S, X- Buffer A and B
Thursday – Block R and KK
Friday – Block T, V and R
Saturday – Block KK and R
Sunday – Block W, R, X, X-Buffer A and B

The City of Tshwane has also asked residents to report illegal connections.
“The option of load reduction has an advantage to consumers in that it prevents extended and unplanned power outages, which could last for days, as the electrical protection schemes are bound to trip if overloading is not managed. It also saves the city from incurring unnecessary costs which might come as a result of extensive damages to the substation,” the municipality said.
In addition, the City of Tshwane defended its decision saying due to the vulnerability of the substation mentioned earlier, it had two options; to either leave the feeders to trip on their own (this would have resulted in two secondary substations being off and 80% of Jukulyn losing power) or to allow the region to manage the load reduction.
City of Tshwane technicians will monitor the performance of the grid and may increase or reduce the number of areas affected when it becomes necessary.
“The city will communicate the following week’s load reduction schedule every Friday to keep the affected consumers updated at all times.”