Health and wellness: Eight tips to tackle student stress
Life at university can be overwhelming, we get it…but you can spot the signs and learn to beat the stress with these eight tips aimed at students.

Here are a few tips to help students beat the stress of life at university. Use the resources at your fingertips to ensure you stay healthy and illness free for the duration of your studies.
Even though you might want to have fun and be cool, you also should be prioritising your health.
Do not ignore the common and yet often ignored advice to avoid situations which are negative for your health.
1. Always be assertive
It’s not always easy to identify truly assertive behaviour. This is because there’s a fine line between assertiveness and aggression, and people can confuse the two. However, you should not allow anyone to tell you how to lead your life while in university. Speak up if you have an opinion, and make your point of view clear. Make sure also that you are happy with the course of study you have chosen.
2. Drink plenty of water

It’s important to stay hydrated as lack of water can lead to headaches, for a start. Grab a reusable water bottle and take it with you from class to class. Drinking water is associated with benefits such as having a clearer skin, more energy and healthy kidneys.
3. Don’t forget to de-stress
We all have varying degrees of stress, and it is a critical aspect relating to mental and emotional well-being. It can be stressful to combat an overwhelming work load, for example, as you balance your social life with your studies.
Learn to recognise the signs of stress and anxiety so you can beat them the moment you begin to feel overwhelmed. Ask for help when you need it and don’t forget to set aside time for you.
4. Get enough sleep

Just because you can function on two or three hours of sleep does not mean it is good for you. Rather try to get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep.
The long-term effects of sleep deprivation are real. Lack of sleep may drain your mental abilities and put your physical health at real risk. Your concentration will also suffer. Whether or not you are a student, it adds unneeded stress.
5. Eat healthily
If you are in a rush to get to the next class you may be tempted to skip meals, particularly early in the morning. Start off with baby steps, such as ensuring you eat a healthy breakfast.
This could be something simple like a bowl of a nutritious cereal like oats with milk, for example, or a slice of toast with peanut butter or cheese. You ought to make it a habit to prepare your own your meals.
6. Don’t forget to exercise

While studying, it is good to exercise even if it is just doing a few stretches and sit-ups. Take regular breaks, and go for a walk around the block. This will help you to get back to your studies with a fresh mind and body.
Make sure you have a mix of strength and cardio exercises. These will be good not only for stamina but also your mental well-being.
7. Value hygiene
Personal hygiene is also essential for a healthy life, particularly over the pandemic. Practise simple but vital things such as washing your hands regularly, particularly before you eat, and after you have been out.
8. Keep in touch with your loved ones
You may be overwhelmed with the university work load and forget to ask how your family members or those close to you are doing. It is important to maintain contact with others, however, and to keep in touch so that you feel connected emotionally. Students are not the only people with a high level of stress at the moment.
Good relationships will help you cope better with the demands of university and life in general.