☠️ Toxic friends: Watch out for these five warning signs
If you feel like your bestie is draining your energy, you may be in a toxic friendship. Watch out for these signs!

Good friendships are important for your well-being, they are there to help you when you are stressed and to provide a reliable support system.
A toxic friendship, on the other hand, can achieve the opposite effect by undermining your self-worth and draining your energy.
While you may be able to improve your friendship through honest conversation, sometimes you need to let go for good. Here are the five signs of a toxic friendship.
1. Constantly putting you down
A toxic friend will find ways to put you down constantly by drawing attention to your insecurities or discouraging you from reaching your goals. Toxic friends can project their own dislikeable traits onto you so they can attack you without exposing their own inadequacies.
2. You give more than you get
If your friend is always in need of your help but fails to return a simple favour, chances are they are toxic. You may find that your friend constantly wants to talk about herself and her problems but as soon as it’s time to talk about you they bail or change topic.
3. Blame game
Toxic or manipulative friends often make “mistakes” and fail to own up to them. They can even go as far as blaming you for everything instead. If you find that your friend is hurting you and apologies are in short supply you might be in a toxic friendship.
4. They are controlling
Controlling behaviours, if taken to the extreme, can damage your well-being. If your friend always wants to influence what you do and where you go they may be toxic.
A good friend will encourage you to make your own choices and support you no matter the outcome.
5. You don’t like yourself when you’re with them
Toxic friends tend to spread their toxicity onto others. If you don’t like who you are when you’re with them, this is a key sign that it may be time to remove yourself from that friendship.
Perhaps you can’t be your true self out of fear of what the other person will say. You may also find yourself walking on eggshells around them.
In healthy friendships, both parties value each other and communicate openly and honestly about their feelings.
It is important to establish boundaries in a relationship, and to stick with them. However, if your friend fits the description of a person outlined in the points above, it may be time to cut them off.