Calling young filmmakers and writers: Share your freedom and win R10k
Progress SA’s #YourFreedomYourFuture Competition gives aspiring writers and filmmakers the opportunity to share what freedom means to them in an essay or short film.

Learners and students from around South Africa — aged 14 to 24 years old — have until 23 October to enter the Progress SA #YourFreedomYourFuture Competition with R64 000 of prize money up for grabs.
Submit either an essay (maximum 1 200 words) or a short film/video (three minutes or shorter) before 23 October, exploring the topic “Your Freedom. Your Future – Is South Africa at a Fork in the Road and which Road Should We Take?”
First (R10 000), second (R5 000) and third (R1 000) prizes will be awarded for the best essay and best video in each of the two age categories: 17 years or younger and 18 to 24 years old.

Progress SA: Youth encouraged to have their say
“Progress SA is a non-profit youth organisation on a mission is to promote liberalism and democracy to build a free, just South Africa,” said Progress SA chairperson Tami Jackson.
“Our essay and video competition intend to encourage young people to engage in political debate, to think about how freedom affects their futures and have their say.”
The winning essays and videos will be shared on the Progress SA website.
How to enter
To enter, simply send your essay or video to progressmediaza@gmail.com before 23 October. Include your name, age, contact number and the name of your place of learning. Winners will be announced on 27 November.
The #YourFreedomYourFuture Youth Competition is hosted by Progress SA, the Frederich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and Van Schaik Bookstores.
For more details visit Progress SA’s website here.